My gym - LOVE;=)

I LOVE my gym!!! 

I LOVE to do cross fit!!! 

And I LOVE to be in shape again=)

Yeah, sorry, but today I need to blog about my LOVE for cross fit and my gym - FNF4LIFE!

Today I had a super good morning crossfit WOD together with strong and lovely people at FNF4LIFE.

 My dear gym where I started in november last year. I am SO happy that I dared to spread my wings and try a new place and a new thing and go up there that evening in november. Since then I have not only gotten in a great shape but also gotten to know wonderful people and nowadays Johan and me both long to the gym and almost FIGHT for the exercising days=) 

Today I were at the gym at 8 in the morning and we had a great WOD with Tobbe, focusing on strength and among pistols and dips and so on, we did a LOT of Manmakers. If you don´t know this exercise, I can tell you that it´s a HARD but great one! We did 50 each which actually means we did 100 push ups each today! yeah, hello super arms=)

I feel so happy that I can use my body in all the different ways we do in crossfit and to feel the improvement I make every single week! Amazing and if you like to work out hard and use your body fully, try cross fit! Maybe you´ll get as HOOKED as I am=)

Love and hugs!

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