Among jumping frogs and jumping boys and girls=)

While we watched the dark clouds pass away, we packed up and went to the forest they call BRUCE.  Found the lovely spot where they have set up small wooden "houses" to protect us from wind and rain and give shelter.

Some blankets to sit on and we´re ready for an afternoon with sausages and forest fun!

While Johan, our grill master, started up the fire on our small Piccolino grill, me and the kids enjoyed the wind shelter. 

Nemo playing with the small frogs to the FROG GAME I had gotten them the same day to play with. Mio playing with some cars in different colors and me just relaxing watching the boys play=)

All the fun you can have with just a fallen tree branch:

Sit on it
Climb on it
Chew on it
Hammer with another tree branch on it, as a drum
Imagine it´s a boat or a plane or a car or anything

After our yummie turkey sausage dinner with lots of mustard and ketchup, it was time for more fun! 

Johan and Nemo fighting with tree branches pretending they were swords and they were some cool dangerous pirates on board a big pirate ship. Nemo being Captain Hook of course!

Then a wild chase around in the forest throwing little pinecones on each other. 

Continuing to have a battle who could run from one big stone to the other first. Well, Johan won every single time…arrggh!

All of us playing the FROG GAME where me and Johan both got the horns on our heads, wanting to beat the other one0, as usual=) Who said come second counts?? haha!

After a long nice time in this lovely forest, we headed home, all tired but happy and knowing that next week Johan goes back to his job, Nemo to pre-school some days and me - preparing for our gig at Toranda next weekend=)

But STILL two more days to enjoy the vacation=)

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