Hi all and thanks SO much for all your thoughts here and in my instagram! It sure helped=)
When I walked in to the hospital I, for a split second, thought I´d just turn around and go back home cause I got such a panic feeling and remembering the horrible last time trying to get the tooth out;=(
But since I also have been so ill and had so much pain I decided to go in and talk to the doctor and see what he said. Maybe he´d say: hey, we don't need to pull it out=)
When I came in a really nice nurse took care of me and she immediately asked:
- So, are you ready to pull out your tooth?
I then of course started to feel stressed and mumbled:
- Ehum, well, I don't know…I mean, maybe its not necessary cause maybe its ok to just take away the top that´s left and since I have been so ill with fever maybe we shouldn't pull it…bla bla bla…
yeah, I know…my little Anette who is so scared took over and tried to get out of the situation as always=)
Well, she said that it was better if I talked to Magnus, the dentist/doctor and he´d decide…
He came in and we discussed it and I said how afraid I was and so on and he said that they´d give me more calming medicine this time, give me a strong antibiotics and so on and we´d pull it out.
He also promised me no 2 hours of pulling it so I trusted him and got the drugs and lied down in a bed and watched TV for some time and then we headed in to the surgery room.
He gave me a lot of injections to make me numb in the mouth and then he started cutting, drilling and so on and then all of a sudden he said:
Ok, and now the tooth is OUT Anette!
And I was, like: WHAT? Already?? haha!
I was in shock how fast and easy it went! No cracking, no pain, no pulling, nothing…
God, I was so relieved and said to him: If this is how easy it can be, I´ll always pull my teeth here!
Then he sewed me up, put in a cotton "tampon" in the mouth and I lied on the bed awaiting Johan to pick me up and take me home.
I got strong antibiotics and well, the PAIN when the numbing medicine got out was just horrible! I thought I´d die..=) BUT some pain killers and then it was OK.
So my dear ones - I can NOW say I no longer HATE all dentists! =) Magnus was super good and I´d go to him again if needed.
See? I can be good and nice even to dentist=)
Love and hugs to you all!
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