Hi all,
Todays exercise - tabata with 8 cycles and 3 tabata where you need a mat, a 7 kilo medicine ball and two weights around 4-5 kilos each.
Put your tabata Pro app on 8 cycles and 3 tabata:
First exercise to do is squats with the medicine ball. Here´s a video showing how you do it:
Then the second exercise or tabata is biceps curl and I used 5 kilos on each arm but you use the proper weight for you. Don´t be afraid of taking a little more weight on. Here´s a video of how to do a biceps curl:
And then the last exercise is the plank. I do this almost every time and it´s because it´t such a good one to do after a pregnancy.
So, 8 cycles and these 3 exercises. A good sweat if you do it properly and with enough weight on.
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