I have continued following the blog www.bakasockerfritt.se and yesterday I tried to do a chocolate mousse based on avocado, which was really interesting! It tasted good but as both me and Johan thought, it might need some more times to "approve" with the specific avocado taste. But healthy for sure!;=)
Here´s the recipe if you also want to try a new healthier chocolate mousse. Recipe borrowed from
1 mature avocado
appr. 1 1/2 tablespoon cacao
4 tablespoons of cream
appr. 3 tablespoons of Stevia (natural sweetener,( read about it here)
2/3 pinch of vanilla powder
1. Mash the avocado with a fork
2. Add cacao, cream, Stevia and vanilla powder
3. Whip for some minute with an electric whip to get the consistency of a mousse
Put in little bowls or glasses. Put some chopped or grated chocolate on top. (Anette´s note: I used 70% chocolate with mint in it)
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