Oh the stress of life...

…isn´t it just horrible?

Well, I am mostly stressed in a way that can be productive and not negative but the last weeks I´ve felt that my stress starts to be precisely that - negative.

And when I stress I am less productive than I should and some days just end up with me having missed several things I really HAD to do..

And with a BIG exam next friday I feel stressed when I haven't been reading as many hours a day as I have planned…and then I also have to practice my singing every day and if I miss that one day I feel stressed over that too… and then I feel guilt about that my kids are long days in pre-school… and the list goes on and on and on…puh!

It´s actually almost the same every single autumn in october-december. Don´t know why its always like this but maybe it´s because everyone´s been taking it so slow during the summer time and then when it gets darker outside and we are closing in on a new year (yeah it´s soon here) everyone realizes on how much they need to have done before this year is closing.

For me, the things that make me stress down is taking a walk in the forest, go to my church and sit in the silence, light a candle at home during the day when the kids are all gone and inhale and just BE in the NOW.

I try to do these things a lot now and I also take extra D-vitamin supplement since its so dark now, some multivitamins and eat a little bit more of good fat. And of course exercise a LOT=)

And well, we all have our things to cope with and stress is one I almost have to struggle with all the time in my life.

Love and hugs and peace to you all=)

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