Hi all,
Another week, new adventures, new things coming my way and next year will be FUN and I´ll share it all with you in the beginning of next year=)
School has been intense this week and will be the coming weeks and months my new course in basic medicine lasts. 15 weeks to be totally correct=) Along the way we´ll both study theoretically medicine and biology, microbiology and so on so an intense but interesting course.
This week we started our different practical trainings we also have and the first one was learning to do CPR and to help someone who have gotten something stuck in their throat and can't breathe.
Really good to have learned this but I sure hope I´ll never have to use it.
Since I am studying in an university that is really far away (it takes me 3 hours back and forth every day) and it clashes with my kids pre-school I will change university next semester and I am hoping for the closest one where I´ve studied before - Lund. So fingers crossed!!
If the trains had been going more often and express without any stops I wouldn't feel I had to change university. To keep me going during the ride I drink coffee and study to get something done during the boring hours...
One thing I already have realized is that learning all the things to be a nurse will make me more afraid of many things happening to my close ones and also I will be more of a "mother Hen" than I already am to my children=) Poor children…haha!
About my music I am heading to Niclas studio today to record some vocals for a duet with a band from another country and as soon as it´s ok I´ll tell you about with whom. But as you already know, in this business keeping things secret is a common thing=)
With my cross fit training I am getting better and better and making improvements is just wonderful! This week I´ve done 3 progresses within different movements and it´s such a HAPPY feeling when it happens!
Me doing a front squat. When I first started in november last year I couldn´t even get my ass halfway to the ground…progress!=)
Me and my team partner Linus after our team wow yesterday evening=) Getting to know so many nice people at my cross fit box is wonderful and so different to the gyms I´ve been to before. Here at Fnf4life we help each othere, we cheer on each other and we push each other forward!
Me doing a handstand push up "kipping" style. Some months ago I couldn't even get up on my arms and didn't dare to stand on my head… now - this! Progress…=)
To be 43 years, daring to do things that I almost didn't dare doing when I was a teenager - well, that just shows how much tougher I am nowadays and one thing I think about when going to my school where everyone is much younger than me, is that THANK GOD I am older=) When I was 20-30 I were so insecure and wanting everyone to love me which I now know is IMPOSSIBLE=) Its just a great feeling to love myself and to have learned during the last 10 years to be OK with that some people will like me and some will just hate me. And it´s just something we need to accept. Not everyone likes everyone=)
So that´s a bit of what´happening at the moment=) Now time to start my warm up and head to the studio soon…=) All the best for you this coming week and HUGS!
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