Back to reality=)

Hi my dear ones,

So for 1,5 week I´ve been away from school due to duties with my music but today I´m heading over to the university and back to reality=) Next week I have a new exam so time to shapen up and study hard!
But fun to have such different and varied life as I have now, suits me perfectly=)

I also went back to the gym yesterday for the first time in 2 weeks and its because of my sinus infection I´ve eaten antibiotics for. The whole autumn I´ve been ill back and forth and not rested but exercising heavily all the time and my body finally said NO so I listened and took some rest and its been really nice to relax and let my body heal. I believe our bodies are so good in telling us when enough is enough, even when our mind don't understand it. But its important to listen to our bodies and do right choices.

So when it comest to right choices I decided a month ago to stop eating sugar and now also no gluten. This is not to get slimmer but to get a better health and trying to avoid severe illnesses such as cancer. I have cancer in my family and I don't want it so every thing I can try to avoid it, I´ll do. And in school we studied the cells of the body and it says sugar and wheat feeds cancer cells so if that is true its an easy and small thing to do to try to live longer and better.

Every morning I start my day with a green smoothie and I call them pick me up-smoothies cause I always feel so much more energized afterwards. And if you want to see my smoothies and get inspired follow me in my INSTAGRAM where I post them. I also post gluten free, sugar free recipes so if you wanna try this check them out!

But now - time to study before heading to school! So see you soon and don't forget to go and buy some clothes in my vintage store. If you feel something is nice but to expensive send me an email and maybe we can come to an understanding=) I believe in buying second hand myself for our environment and today I´m bidding on two overalls for my boys so fingers crossed!

Love and hugs and enjoy the day!

Challenges are good for us=)

Hi all and happy sunday!

Last week I did something that was a bit of a challenge for me but that also gave me so much fun and a new thing to put in my so called "bucket list". Bucket list is a list of things to do before we die so in my list I have some dreams and goals still to do and I try to do them when I can=)

The thing I did is still not something I can talk about but it was about music and I went to Stockholm for the day to do it.

I have decided to challenge myself when it comes to some things in life and one thing is to try and not have so high demands on myself. I am a person who always need to be so perfect and want to be the best and this make me put so much pressure on myself and with that comes a fear of not wanting to do some things where I feel I might not "win". 

And another thing with this is that I am afraid of making choices where I will feel that I can't "win" or be the best and therefore I, many times, have stopped myself from trying out something that could be fun or give me new experiences. 

This is not something that applies in everything in my life but mainly when it comes to my music and singing and therefore I have decided to take a leap of faith and do stuff I wouldn't do before. 

Luckily I have the best family and loved ones who support me and cheer me on so that make it easier=)

So 2015 will be a year where I challenge myself and do new things and I am longing for it!

Challenge makes us grow and I am ready to grow now=)

AND so happy to now have 23000 likes in my FACEBOOK!!!

AND over 5200 followers in my INSTAGRAM!

YOU are also making me stronger and I thank all of you for your support!


My new favourite singer is todays music=)

I LOVE Sam Smiths voice! God! 

Amazing singer and his music is wonderful so here´s todays spotify list:

New hair from lovely RAPUNZELOFSWEDEN=)

Hi guys=)

For some years I´ve been working with RAPUNZEL OF SWEDEN when it comes to having clip-on hair and extensions in my own hair and yesterday it was time to put in long beautiful extensions in my hair to get longer hair again=)

This time I went to Rapunzel´s salon in Malmö and I had a wonderful day=)

They made my whole hair a bit lighter and then the magic started.

They put in 2 different colors to blend in naturally in my hair and the colors are: European hair 18/60 Scandinavian blond and 613 light golden blond. See color photos from their website below:

And here´s the original photo and then the after pictures=)

Rapunzel delivers almost to the whole world and you can buy clip-ons  to put in for special occations like I´ve had many times for stage. Easy to out on and wonderful hair! Or buy these nail extensions and go to an educated hair dresser to put them in if you dont live here in Sweden=)

LOTS of new items in my vintage store and some real bargains on luxury clothes=)

Lowered prices in my vintage store!

I´m back=)

Hi all,

So sorry for my absence but our internet broke down last weekend and as you know, getting it fixed always takes time=( But now we have 5G and so much faster speed! Horray for that!

So, I´ve been so stressed for my exam and that has led to me getting the cold from hell..haha! Like a letter from the post office, stress always make me ill. But I went and wrote my exam and it was big and I don't count on fixing it but I am trying to stop having such high demands on myself, always wanting to be "perfect" in everything so if I fail, I´ll just focus on fixing it the second time. They say most of the students fail this exam so it is a big one. But of course I keep my fingers crossed that I nailed it=)

Tomorrow me and my band are finally starting rehearsals and even if I can't sing so good due to the cold we need to start so the boys can get the songs for Spain=) I am really looking forward meeting the guys since I haven't met some of them but they seem really cool and talented all of them! 

Next year will be really fun for me when it comes to singing and early next year I can tell you more about my plans but still a secret. But good times ahead! And a new gig is booked so soon news about that!

So, since I didn't put out any photos of me and Johan´s halloween costumes, here you go a little bit late. I chose a naughty mean nurse (of course=) and Johan a mean doctor..haha! We rocked our cross fit wow in these clothes and boy, I was bloody afterwards but we WON the costume price so it was perfect!

AND I carried Johan on my back several laps running=) I am strong and Pippi from hell as u know!! haha!

I miss exercising but this cold need to be cured so I need to rest it out this time and not go exercise being ill as I sometimes do…=)

ENJOY this weekend loved ones!!
(and now when I have internet I´ll start posting new vintage clothes in my store asap for you to buy=)

Oh the stress of life...

…isn´t it just horrible?

Well, I am mostly stressed in a way that can be productive and not negative but the last weeks I´ve felt that my stress starts to be precisely that - negative.

And when I stress I am less productive than I should and some days just end up with me having missed several things I really HAD to do..

And with a BIG exam next friday I feel stressed when I haven't been reading as many hours a day as I have planned…and then I also have to practice my singing every day and if I miss that one day I feel stressed over that too… and then I feel guilt about that my kids are long days in pre-school… and the list goes on and on and on…puh!

It´s actually almost the same every single autumn in october-december. Don´t know why its always like this but maybe it´s because everyone´s been taking it so slow during the summer time and then when it gets darker outside and we are closing in on a new year (yeah it´s soon here) everyone realizes on how much they need to have done before this year is closing.

For me, the things that make me stress down is taking a walk in the forest, go to my church and sit in the silence, light a candle at home during the day when the kids are all gone and inhale and just BE in the NOW.

I try to do these things a lot now and I also take extra D-vitamin supplement since its so dark now, some multivitamins and eat a little bit more of good fat. And of course exercise a LOT=)

And well, we all have our things to cope with and stress is one I almost have to struggle with all the time in my life.

Love and hugs and peace to you all=)

To dare and challenge yourself=)

Hi all!

As you know I love crossfit and my gym Fnf4life so much that its like a second home. Since I started there last year in november (almost a year ago) my life and myself has developed increcibly, not only physically but more so mentally.

When I was a young girl I loved gymastics and always were more or less up side down in a hand stand or a flic flac. I stood on my head, I was totally fearless and loved it!

Then after I got older I stopped exercising gymnastics and only did dance classes and with time I got more and more scared over acrobatics and things like doing hand stand and so on.

When I started at Fnf I was so scared of many things, like doing box jumps, doing hand stand and I didnt dare to challenge myself to try.

Then after some months as I got stronger in my body and with wonderful coaches who pushes me a little bit every time, I now box jump, I do hand stand against the wall and even freely on the floor and I know I will master it perfectly soon.

Cause one thing I have learned about myself this year is that I CAN do it, I AM STRONG enough and I do NOT need to be afraid!!!

Thank God that I challenged myself and dared to enter the door step to Fnf4life one year ago! It has given me SO much and most of all-getting to know wonderful strong, talented and caring people who always lean a hand if you need one. Who asks you where you´ve been if you´ve been away, who cheers on you when you have a tired day, who motivates you to progress and get better!

I love my gym! I love crossfit! I love FNF4LIFE=)

Thanks expecially to my coaches: Carl Axel, Johan K, Johan H, Oscar, Tobbe, Malin, Nogge, Pierre who help me every single wod and make me get better! Love to you all!


And why not another treat??

I mean it is Halloween week, isn´t it??

Here´s a fun and weird demo version of my single FALLING in a version we tried out to see which one we like the most in my album SHINE and I must say this version is FUN!!


Todays treat for you=)

Now I´ve put up my demo version of my song STRONG to my Soundcloud=)

No mix done and so on but still totally ok to listen to=)


Halloween music=)

Hi all,

So we´re in the Halloween/all Saints week and I´m preparing for this weeks Friday crossfit team wod where we´re gonna have a halloween wod and dress out=) I havent decided to what yet but soon=) Maybe evil Snowhite again?=)

To start this week of Halloween I listen to this playlist to get in to the mood=)


Todays music=)

Todays playlist is my all time favourite Within Temptation album! I have loved and listened to WT before I even started to sing in NW and still they are my favourite band in female metal=)


All natural me=)

Feeling wonderful today and feeling happy! Been so stressed for some weeks but yesterday I decided to chill down for some days and already I feel so much better! 

Life is to GOOD to waste it on stressing to much=)

Love and respect to you all out there and here´s some photos of me without any makeup. Skirt and hat from H&M, leggings Wolford and top Gina Tricot.


Todays playlist=)

My favourite songs at the moment and my God, I LOVE Imagine dragons song Warrior! Its just amazing and the best exercise song too=)

ENJOY the playlist and happy weekend!

A treat for you all- an old rough demo=)

This song me, Niclas Olsson and wonderful guitar guru Patrik Svärd recorded before I got in to Nightwish and the lyrics and melody are written by me and music by Niclas Olsson=)

Very rough demo, no mixing and so on but can be fun for you to listen=)


I LOVE to learn=)

Hi all,

Another week, new adventures, new things coming my way and next year will be FUN and I´ll share it all with you in the beginning of next year=)

School has been intense this week and will be the coming weeks and months my new course in basic medicine lasts. 15 weeks to be totally correct=) Along the way we´ll both study theoretically medicine and biology, microbiology and so on so an intense but interesting course.

This week we started our different practical trainings we also have and the first one was learning to do CPR and to help someone who have gotten something stuck in their throat and can't breathe. 
Really good to have learned this but I sure hope I´ll never have to use it. 

Since I am studying in an university that is really far away (it takes me 3 hours back and forth every day) and it clashes with my kids pre-school I will change university next semester and I am hoping for the closest one where I´ve studied before - Lund. So fingers crossed!! 
If the trains had been going more often and express without any stops I wouldn't feel I had to change university. To keep me going during the ride I drink coffee and study to get something done during the boring hours...

One thing I already have realized is that learning all the things to be a nurse will make me more afraid of many things happening to my close ones and also I will be more of a "mother Hen" than I already am to my children=) Poor children…haha!

About my music I am heading to Niclas studio today to record some vocals for a duet with a band from another country and as soon as it´s ok I´ll tell you about with whom. But as you already know, in this business keeping things secret is a common thing=)

With my cross fit training I am getting better and better and making improvements is just wonderful! This week I´ve done 3 progresses within different movements and it´s such a HAPPY feeling when it happens! 

Me doing a front squat. When I first started in november last year I couldn´t even get my ass halfway to the ground…progress!=)

Me and my team partner Linus after our team wow yesterday evening=) Getting to know so many nice people at my cross fit box is wonderful and so different to the gyms I´ve been to before. Here at Fnf4life we help each othere, we cheer on each other and we push each other forward!

Me doing a handstand push up "kipping" style. Some months ago I couldn't even get up on my arms and didn't dare to stand on my head… now - this! Progress…=)

To be 43 years, daring to do things that I almost didn't dare doing when I was a teenager - well, that just shows how much tougher I am nowadays and one thing I think about when going to my school where everyone is much younger than me, is that THANK GOD I am older=) When I was 20-30 I were so insecure and wanting everyone to love me which I now know is IMPOSSIBLE=) Its just a great feeling to love myself and to have learned during the last 10 years to be OK with that some people will like me and some will just hate me. And it´s just something we need to accept. Not everyone likes everyone=)

So that´s a bit of what´happening at the moment=) Now time to start my warm up and head to the studio soon…=) All the best for you this coming week and HUGS!

And an interview I made with Terra Relicta,com

This interview I did for a nice site called ENJOY!

Anette Olzon - Interview

Interview with: Anette Olzon
Conducted by: T.V.
Anette Olzon - InterviewSwedish singer Anette Olzon who got hers recognition mostly because she was bold enough to stepping in the shoes of Tarja Turunen after her departure from legendary Finnish band Nightwish in 2007. She recorded with them two albums, Dark Passion Play (2007) and Imaginaerum (2011). In that time the fans of the Finns were divided between the haters and lovers of a band without their darling Tarja. I believe that you all remember how many harsh words were then going on through media and social networks after that inglorius North American tour in 2012 when Anette was suddenly kicked out of the band and soon replaced by Floor Jansen. Anette Olzon then recovered from that shock and earlier this year released her debut solo album named Shine through earMusic. Shine is nothing else than a masterpiece in the fields of darker yet melancholic pop rock genre, shining mostly because of its catchines, powerful vocal performance, professional songwriting, deep, yet insightful lyrics and amazing production. Still Anette is not only that and beside everything mentioned she also did some interesting guest appearances, earlier in her career she took part in the Swedish AOR band Alyson Avenue and recently she recorded vocals for the new album of another AOR project Sapphire Eyes and yet that's not everything. Now Anette lives with her boyfriend, and Pain bassist, Johan Husgafvel and they have three sons, Seth, born in July 2001, Nemo, born in July 2010 and Mio born in March 2013. Many other interesting things Anette revealed in the interview she kindly answered.
T.V.: Hi Anette! Thank you for taking some time to answer my questions. You are on your own now, with a solo album recently released, so how do you feel about everything?
: At the moment I don't do so much with my solo career since I´ve started to study in the university and have to focus mainly on my studies, so it´s calm and peaceful. I have four gigs coming up in Spain in November so that will be fun though!
Anette Olzon - InterviewT.V.: Shine was released in March this year, so the initial enthusiasm, I think, calmed down and I wonder how do you look now at this album of yours?
Anette: I still love my album and I also believe that when I'll release my next album this album will get even more recognition because I believe it's a really good album.
T.V.: Indeed is a good album and it was in the making since 2009. So, how much of your personal touch is in it? It was written completely by yourself or it's done in major part by other composers?
Anette: I´ve been there writing all the songs together with my co-writers, so I´ve been part of it all and I've been there through the whole process.
T.V.: The production on the album is really fantastic. You worked on it also with some great names like Stefan Örn who is songwriter and producer of the 2011 Eurovision Song Contest winning track "Running Scared", plus some other renowned producers. It was mixed by Nicklas Flykt and Ronny Lahti, who is known for his work with Loreen and Roxette. Tell me how it was working with those experienced guys?
Anette: It was really nice and all the guys are so kind and talented. They made the whole process really easy.
T.V.: I remember reading somewhere that this is kind of a healing album for you after your mother got sick of cancer and yours departure from Nightwish, and that can be sensed also from the lyrics. How much truth is in those sayings?
Anette: I wrote the album from my heart and during 2009 while I was still in Nightwish, so I didn't know the whole situation would come and therefore there is nothing about the break-up in there, except from one song I wrote in 2012 - "One Million Faces". And that song came out of the sadness from the break-up with the band. All other songs are very personal and I wrote them about my life and mainly sad things, yes. I believe we have different faces and I keep a sadder side inside that I do not show to others so it has to come out somewhere and writing songs about it helps.
Anette Olzon - InterviewT.V.: And beside that what are other things that inspires you when you're writting lyrics and music?
Anette: It can be anything, but I do have a special thing for sad songs and lyrics.
T.V.: Shine was released by earMusic and I'm wondering how this collaboration with such a big label started and how are you satisfied with them?
Anette: I think its been an ok deal with them. They haven't done such a big PR for the album as I`d wished for, especially in Scandinavia. They are also a more rock/metal label so I guess it's harder for them to release a more pop/rock album like Shine.
T.V.: Some weeks ago you announced that you are working on a new song, any updates about it? Are you already working on a new album and if yes when can we expect it?
Anette: I´m doing some songs and some projects but I cant talk about any of it yet. In this business there are always secrets and hush-hush, so it can only be revealed when it's meant for it.
T.V.: Ok, I understand. Those who follow your Facebook profile couldn't miss a cappella interpretations of some Nightwish songs. What's the purpose of those and it seems that your fans accepted them very well...
Anette: I had wishes from fans to hear me sing the songs, so I did it, and especially songs I hadn't performed live with the band such as "Turn loose The Mermaid". They were happy about it and my a cappella videos have gotten a great response. To show that you don't need to have a studio with microphone and stuff to record and show your voice and also I want to show that I am not all perfect. I sing because I love it and I love to try new things. Having fun with music.
T.V.: You shot a video for the amazing song "Lies". How it was shoting it and I'm interested if there's any other video clip in preparations?
Anette: No singles or videos are coming, no. It was fun to shot it, but it was so cold..bra..

T.V.: You already had some live shows as a solo artist and I'm curious how the audience accepted you performing solo as Anette Olzon?
Anette: The gigs I´ve done so far have been all good and the audiences have been really nice and positive about them.
Anette Olzon - InterviewT.V.: Can you tell us if there's a tour through Europe or even overseas on the schedule in the near or not so distant future?
Anette: No tour is planned at the moment. As I told you I am studying now and also I have small children and I don't want to leave them for long periods as I did with my oldest son. Those days have to come later on in the future when they are older.
T.V.: Do you ever perform live any of Nightwish songs?
Anette: No, not yet.
T.V.: Recently you announced Axl Ludwig Ayez and Johnny Benson as new members of your line-up. Can you give us some more words/details about all the musicians you are working and play live with?
Anette: Well, these two guys are rockers from Malmö and I haven't played with them before so we´ll see how it works out. For me, since I only hire musicians and not have a band, I can and will exchange musicians if needed but I do hope these guys will work perfectly, both musically as well as in coolness on stage.
T.V.: I can't skip this question and look some years back in time. How it was stepping back then in the shoes of Tarja Turunen and replace such an icon? I remember there was some kind of war going on online between the fans and non-fans of Tarja?
Anette: I didn't understand the whole situation at first, cause I didn't understand how big of an icon she was. And then in the beginning I didn't think about it at all because I was me and did my thing, but when the hatred started to flourish to my mail box, to the internet, to shows, then I asked myself what I was doing in that situation and it really made me insecure and unhappy.
Anette Olzon - InterviewT.V.: And there were a lot of harsh words between you and the rest of Nightwish after that inglorious American tour. How do you look at everything right now?
Anette: I am calmer of course and I don't hold a grudge to anyone in that camp, even if it was one of the worst things I`ve had to go through and the scars will be there forever.
T.V.: Were there any tensions inside the band even before your departure or it happened just out of nothing?
Anette: Not before I told them I was pregnant during the tour, then the turmoil started.
T.V.: You did some collaborations with acts such as Pain, Brother Firetribe, Swallow The Sun and Rasmus. How it was working with them and which one was the best one? If I can add, I really loved the Pain's "Follow Me" and Swallow The Sun's "Cathedral Walls"!
Anette: I loved my dear Pain heads so that's the one I cherish the most and also Brother Firetribe. Firetribe is doing music I love and close to where I come from and the guys are all so kind and sweet.
T.V.: Have you already got any enquirys to sing and become the frontwoman in any other band. Are you even looking out for joining any band right now?
Anette: I do some projects singing with others but no band at this moment. Not looking for a band since I don't have a lot of time even to do my own music.
Anette Olzon - InterviewT.V.: Ok, but you sing also in AOR project Sapphire Eyes and if I'm not mistaken the band has a new album on the way. It seems that you are open to various styles of music?
Anette: Yes, I sing almost everything and I do things I like and do not care so much about the genre and so on.
T.V.: You are in a relation and live with another great musician, Pain's bassist, Johan Husgafvel, and have three sons. How do you deal with and divide the time between music and family?
Anette: We both help each other out so we can do almost everything we want and I want to have him with me on the road, so we always try and fix, so he can play the gigs and get our parents and family to look after the kids while we are away.
T.V.: I think that would be all. What would you like to say in the end to our readers and your fans?
Anette: I hope you continue to follow me cause I will of course never stop doing music and next year will have some fun things for me in store, so stay tuned.
Anette Olzon links: Official websiteFacebook
- See more at:

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