
Good morning all=)

Sunday and the day before the reality starts here again after some vacation weeks and the family together. Johan starting his job again and me going to get Mio into pre-school so I can start university next week. I am still on the waiting list for my first choice university and still hoping to get in since it´s so much shorter to take me there. 27 minutes with train instead of the one I am in to with 1h35 minutes single trip. This also make me stressed since I need to leave the kids before I leave with the train in the early morning and our pre-school doesn't open until 07. So I am actually in a dilemma what to do, but as I know- things always finally solves itself so I take it as easy as I can and we´ll see what happens.

Since I am a person who is quite open with my opinions and also answer people on things there will always be some people who doesn't like me that uses everything I say to say that I am this and that. Won´t say names here but I know them and I see there comments and sometimes I wonder why these people have such boring lives that they need to vent and talk a lot of b-shit about others they don't even know in person?

I saw a documentary last night where a radio host in the UK tried to find out what it is that makes internet trolls and haters to do what they do and he didn´t find a clear answer to this of course, cause all he got to know was that some of the haters had been mocked and bullied in their lives and now they wanted to give back in their adult lives and therefore hated and started things in forums, in Facebook pages and so on to get a "kick" when someone got hurt or angry for what they wrote.

Hmmm.. I have been bullied many years and I can´t understand how someone having had to live through people being mean to you, making you so lonely and without self-esteem find it in their heart to go out and do the same to someone else? Really? Why? If you have been there with those feelings when people are so mean to you every single day, WHY do you even wanna do that to someone else?

NO - I don't believe it. for me - trolls and haters are people who are mean and without positive things in their lives. Who do not have any courage to face others face to face but instead sit and write mean and stupid things in the internet. Cowards to be honest.

For me- I don't have time or lust to talk about what others do in their lives cause I live MY life instead and surround myself with people who doesn't talk about others. Cause if you have a good and fulfilled life with love around you, a good support and real friends - you don't have to talk negatively about others. And especially not about people you don't even know=) Jealousy of course is also what makes people do these things. Instead of being jealous of someone - go search your OWN happiness.

Stop complaining - stribe to make YOUR life better instead!

And when it comes to me and those who twist what I say or do? Get a life - I live mine and make mistakes and I choose different paths in life when things change. That for me, is how life should be lived. Not cut into stone. If I have chosen a path and then all of a sudden something better or new arises I chose another path.

I find it exciting=) 

Instead of sitting hating in the internet and writing stupid things I LIVE in the real world!

To the trolls and haters: TRY go outside and look at the world from that view instead. Maybe your life can be so much better?

ENJOY this day!

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