No hate speech movement

Hi all,

As you all know I am against internet hate and I really think its important that we teach our children and youths what rules they should know there is when it comes to what we can say or do in the internet. And also what we can do if we get hateful or mean comments in our instagram, Facebook, blogs and so on.

The same rules that we need to follow out in the normal life is also the rules we need to follow in the internet!

Many people believe that if someone takes away a nasty comment from his/her blog or Facebook, it´s censorship and against free speech but they are WRONG- we are not free to say whatever we FEEL like to anyone if it can hurt the other one. Simple but still so many do not know this.

So therefore I want you all to share and check out this great movement - NO HATE NO SPEECH MOVEMENT who work to teach young kids between 13-18 years exactly what is ok and not in the internet. And I believe  MANY adults can learn from reading their wise words too.

For me - I want a nicer internet. I don´t want it to be a place for bullying, racism, hate, and negativity. 

I hope many more than me feel the same cause the only thing to change it is to ACT! If you see any hateful or mean comments anywhere against anyone - report it to the forum owner or blog owner. It´s the owners of the respective forums RESPONSIBILITY to take all these hateful comments away! 

Do not just leave it be- GO AGAINST THE HATE!

'Check out No hate speech movement and read their great tips for a nicer internet!

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