Shine is finally HERE!!!!

And the SUN has been shining ALL day after some bad days! So it truly SHINES today=)

A BIG interview with me in Helsingborgs Dagblad today;=)

Check it out if you live in Helsingborg;=)

I´ll take scans for you later but here´s the link:

And TODAY Shine is released here in Sweden;=)

You can find it in Swedish iTunes and and more;=)

From YLE TV Min Morgon interview

Here is another interview from last week and this is from a TV show called Min Morgon (my morning) from the 'Swedish talking channel in Finland;=)

We talk a lot about my musical background, my album, my wishes for the future, my children's musicality and more,=)

Some interviews from Finland/Suomi last week;=)

Ok, so some of the interviews I did last week when visiting dear Finland is starting to come out and I´ll post some here below. The first one is in Swedish but it´s a funny interview where they ask me about my firing from NW and I say that I was fired through an email and that I think it wasn´t the nicest thing to do. I also say that Floor should´t be blamed since she only took a job. We also talk about my album of course, my love for nature and leopard prints=) I play the harmonica and well, just lots of goofing around!

Here you go!

Then a two part video interview from 'Radio Rock where we talk mainly about my album SHINE and this is in English:

Then an interview from a Finnish newspaper called Keskisuomalainen and this is in 'Finnish and I talk about family life when being a singer, the tiring comparisons between singers, how to handle with hate and critique in the internet, Tuomas solo single and about Shine;=)

Click the link to go to the article:


Snippets of SHINE=)

Click on the photo below to go to my app in Facebook and listen to my SHINE album in some short snippets;

No hate speech movement

Hi all,

As you all know I am against internet hate and I really think its important that we teach our children and youths what rules they should know there is when it comes to what we can say or do in the internet. And also what we can do if we get hateful or mean comments in our instagram, Facebook, blogs and so on.

The same rules that we need to follow out in the normal life is also the rules we need to follow in the internet!

Many people believe that if someone takes away a nasty comment from his/her blog or Facebook, it´s censorship and against free speech but they are WRONG- we are not free to say whatever we FEEL like to anyone if it can hurt the other one. Simple but still so many do not know this.

So therefore I want you all to share and check out this great movement - NO HATE NO SPEECH MOVEMENT who work to teach young kids between 13-18 years exactly what is ok and not in the internet. And I believe  MANY adults can learn from reading their wise words too.

For me - I want a nicer internet. I don´t want it to be a place for bullying, racism, hate, and negativity. 

I hope many more than me feel the same cause the only thing to change it is to ACT! If you see any hateful or mean comments anywhere against anyone - report it to the forum owner or blog owner. It´s the owners of the respective forums RESPONSIBILITY to take all these hateful comments away! 

Do not just leave it be- GO AGAINST THE HATE!

'Check out No hate speech movement and read their great tips for a nicer internet!

Suomi perkele,=)

So tomorrow I´m heading over to Helsinki, Finland for a long nice promo day on Friday;=) Will be TV, Radio and magazines so SUOMI - see you soon!!!

Catching fire

Hi all,

Some days ago me and Johan had a movie night and watched the second film in the Hunger Games series. I loved the first movie and didn´t expect the second to be as good as that one, BUT it was!!

I loved this one too and now I long to see the third! I almost think of reading the third book=)

If you´ve seen this movie - what did you think? 

Stockholm, new look and some sunny photos=)

Hi all and a very happy Saturday to you;=)

Last week I went up to Stockholm over the day to meet my sister for some hours, get a new fresh hair cut and color at YOU Stockholm and enjoy the main capitol for a day. Sarah at YOU made my hair lighter but since I´ve had purple/blue hair before that made it harder to get it blond without getting neon green! haha. yeah, if anyone wants neon-green hair, use the punk colors I did;=)

Here´s photos from a lovely café I had a latte at before entering YOU:

Some yellow and pattern for the lovely day=)

So, we had to cut of a LOT of my hair but it was needed and I feel younger and fresher so it´s a great change=)

I didn´t shop anything more than a little small cute purse from H&M with the lovely words LOVE on them and a pair of crazy sunglasses that I´ll take a photo of later today for you;=)

And spring has been here for the last weeks even if today it´s a storm here and next week has promised rain and rain. But I have been out walking hours after hours all the lovely days to get as much sun as possible and here´s the last walk photos for you;=)


Next week I have lots of promo with photo shoots and TV both here as well as me going to Finland, so today I´m going to try out getting more lashes on my eyes. Will blog the result later;=) Good if I don't have to glue on lashes myself every time;=)

I finish this blog post with a photo of me and a follower in my Instagram - Chloé  who I ran into in Stockholm. Lovely French girl who now works in Stockholm.

And of course a little photo of me holding my album SHINE in my hands after picking up my copies yesterday;=) And it looks so lovely! the booklet photos and lyrics and everything is perfect=)

Now enjoy this lovely day and have a great weekend everyone!

100 000 views of LIES in you tube:-)

My biggest THANK YOU to everyone who has watched my video in you tube!

Over 100 000 views now and I feel so happy and blessed! 

Lots of hugs to you all!!

And here´s todays photos too=)

Today we went to a lovely spot in a near by city called Ängelholm where they have a place called Hembygsdparken. This place is a place I also visited when I was a child and it´s for free and awesome! There´s some animals such as birds, pigs, deer, goats, mini horses, rabbits and ducks. They also have a BIG playground with lots of fun for kids in all ages and today Nemo tried the ropeway (dont know the exact word) and boy, he loved it! Had to drag him away from it;=)

Here´s the photos and there´s also some of the ocean from my morning power walk and a new boutique I passed today that probably are meant for ME cause it´s called LEOPARD and check the window:


2014 years first barbecue is now done=)

This weekend has been AMAZING with so warm spring temperatures so early in March! Today 12 degrees and yesterday just a little bit less! Wow!

We´ve enjoyed both days being outdoors all afternoon and I´ve taken lots of photos for you;=)

In this post the photos from our forest barbecue yesterday is served to you. I hope you´ll enjoy them!

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