Good morning everyone!
I´m still fighting the sinus infection and feeling better but still not well so yesterday when it was Johan´s birthday it was just an easy celebration for him but since I celebrated him last saturday with the brunch and some clothes as gifts I believe he was ok with that;=)
I bought amazing sushi for dinner, I baked a chili chocolate cake and me and the kids made him some nice Birthday paintings. Nemo is a left-handed and very creative I must say. He painted this painting below and if you can´t see what it is you must be blind, haha!;=)
Cause of course it´s a dragon to the left blowing out fire, then his castle to the right and even another castle below the dragon. And I like that he also uses the technique of doing little stains/dots there. A new Picasso?
I sure hope you all saw that?;=)
Mio didn´t paint anything yet but he was of course with us, playing with his little cow;=)
And here´s the recipe for the chili chocolate cake, since I got asked to put it here from an Instagram follower:
100 gram of butter
100 gram of chocolate with chili
1 egg
3 table spoons of xylitol or other sugar free substance
2 table spoons of cacao
1 teaspoon of vanilla powder
1 dl cream
Do like this:
Melt the butter and then add the chocolate in pieces and melt on a slow temperature. Let it cool.
Then add the cacao, vanilla powder and cream and stir.
Whip the egg and the xylitol or stevia together separately to a nice foamy texture.
Add to the chocolate paste.
Butter a cooking form and then put the paste into it and put into the oven at 225 degrees for 6-8 minutes.
When the cake has cooled off a bit, put it in the fridge for some hours and then serve it with whipped cream and maybe some raspberries;=)
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