Hi all and a very happy friday!!!!
We´re heading down to Malmö to do some shopping and just getting some other sights than Helsingborg. I also love their Zara kids department more than ours we have here, so hopefully some nice clothes for all 3 kids today;=) Got some for the baby yesterday since I have seen that Nemo´s old clothes are more summery and now when having a little march baby I needed more long sleeves and so on. I´ll take more close up photos later on for you;=)
Nemo got a new book. We always read a lot of books every day and this one was fun. It´s about two friends where Ester is always angry! For everything;=) And then Daisy is the opposite - always totally happy!;=) Fun book and a good thing to show that we are all different and see things differently;=)
For me, I got new nail enamels and stones to fix my nails. Fun hobby but lots of work when doing it on yourself. But some practise and I´ll get a hang of it;=)
And then yesterday´s outfit. Sorry for a bit sunny photos, it´s hard to take good photos when the sun is shining in but here you go:
ENJOY your friday now and see you later!!!
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